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Known Surviving Cartercars

This list of surviving Cartercars has been collected from various sources and was last updated in 2025.  If you are the owner of a Cartercar and would like to add or correct any information on this page, please send us an email at cars @ cartercar.org.  We would be glad to add pictures or any other information.

A list of Automobile Museums can be found here.
1907 A NJ 1907 NJ
1907 E ? (formerly NV)
1908 F AK Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum
1908 AK
1908 D ? 1908 former Merrick
1908 Demonstration Chassis MI Pontiac Transportation Museum`
1908 Chassis
1908 A TX 1908 TX
1909 H Single Rumble Roadster MI
1909 H Touring UK Isle of Man Motor Museum
1909 UK
1909 H Minature Tonneau MI Stahl Automotive Foundation Museum
1909 Stahl
1909 K ME
1909 H Touring CA
1909 Model H Miniature Tonneau Slovakia 1909 Slovakia
1909 H Touring CA California Automobile Museum
1909 CA
1909 L Touring CA
1910 Touring ON
1910 H Touring ?
1911 H with rear bench seats SC 1911 SC
1911 H Touring FL 1911 FL
1911 H3 Touring ?
1911 H3 Touring IA Kline Museum
1911 H3
1911 L Touring ON Canadian Automotive Museum
1911 L
1911 L Touring ? (formerly NY)
1912 S Touring MI
1912 R Roadster Belgium 1912 Belgium
1912 R Touring ? (formerly MS) 1912 R
1912 R Roadster MI 1912 MI
1912 H Touring ? (formerly NY)
1912 H Touring PA
1912 R Roadster IL?
1912 IL
1912 R Roadster OR
1913 5A Touring MN?
1913 5 Roadster NC Dale's Wheel Through Time
1913 5A
1913 5D Sedan CA JA Cooley Museum
1913 CA
1913 5A Touring Belgium 1913 Belgium
1913 5A Touring IN 1912 IN
1913 5A Touring MI Ye Ole Carriage Shop
1913 MI
1913 5A Touring ON
1914 7 Touring IL
1914 7 Touring MI Pontiac Transportation Museum`
1914 MI
1914 7 Touring MI 1914 MI
1914 7 Touring ? (formerly Germany) 1914 Germany
1914 7 Touring ? (formerly in CA)
1914 Touring CA
1914 7 Touring OH 1914 c41
1914 IL
1914 CO
1914 5A Touring ID
1914 7 Touring WA LeMay Family Collection
1913 MI
1914 Netherlands
1915 9 Touring ? (formerly MI)
1915 9 Touring TX
1915 9 Touring TX
1915 9 Touring OR
1915 9 Touring WA LeMay Family Collection
1915 WA
1915 9 Touring NJ

This site is a work-in-progress to document Cartercar history and production. It will be improved as time and information permit.
Have a Cartercar? Have a question or comment? - Send mail to cars @ cartercar.org
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